Travel Tips

Picks of the Month April 2013

April 26, 2013

Trippy is a fun alternative for those of us who don’t trust (or rely on) the recommendations of TripAdvisor. It puts the power of persuasion and recommendation into the hands of people you already know…your Facebook friends. The interface is very similar to Pinterest. Ideally, this site lets you seek and receive information from your Facebook friends and other online associates. A fairly new app and website.WWII Poster

The guy from seat61 is the most knowledgeable guy when it come to train travel. I have used this informative website for many European travel itineraries. Trust me, if you read this site first, you will be far more informed than your average travel agent (who likely doesn’t travel as much as you do anyway). You do have to read carefully as most trips are narrated as though they begin in London. Loads of detailed and relevant information for all travelers using trains. For example, you will learn not only about train types, routes, schedules but he gives you the confidence of how to book directly with national railway sites by providing detailed instructions. The generous savings by booking directly are surprising. The go-to website for any type of train travel.

A Landloper is a wanderer, an adventurer. If this is you, you should visit Landlopers. It is great all around travel website and a place to find information on a variety of travel topics. Landlopers wants to make travel more fun and accessible for everyone by providing information on how to experience the best the world has to offer.


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Angel Castellanos
Pasadena, CA

I'm a US based travel expert and spend my time teaching people how to travel well, smart and often. I'm passionate about travel and helping people save time & money. This blog, or travel lounge, is a collection of my practical travel advice and experiences from traveling 12-14 weeks internationally each year. I believe that travel has never been easier and that everyone can achieve their travel dreams. Happy Travels!

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